Monday, October 28, 2013

Results are everything!

There is nothing more frustrating that moving yourself out of the habit of being lazy and sitting on the couch, only to get no results.  This is what began happening after I first started going to the gym a few months ago.  Three times a week for almost two months and nothing to show for it.  I didn't look any different.  I didn't feel good.  In fact I felt worse than before I got off the couch.  The burst of energy never really came.

Then I decided that I would research the body and look more into what I needed.

I went to blogs, websites, books. You name it, I looked into it.  The downside is that you looking into information on health is a deep dark hole of confusion that will suck your soul away if you let it.

I had to determine my goal.  For me, weight loss is the key.  I can't ever remember being below 20% body fat and can only remember one time that I got below 25% years ago.  My personal goal has become to get myself below 20% body fat by September 2014.

This is similar to my goal I started with in August, but much more specific.  In August, I simply said I wanted to lose 20 pounds by the end of the year.

The research also led me to realize that walking and cardio will not get me where I want to go.  Being a tad on the lazy side, I had a deep desire to find the most efficient and best way to accomplish what my goal.  I began to see that lifting weights was going to be required.  I had lifted weights when I played football in high school and although I build some muscle, it never led to me seriously bulking.  The way we lifted back then was not optimal.

The bulk of lifting programs have you working like crazy and working into a pain situation.  The one thing I've always known about myself is "if it hurts, I won't do it long."  So, with that in mind I felt like I had to ease into working out.  The problem with easing into weights is that you don't really accomplish anything by lifting super light.

I ended up finding a book that I mentioned a couple blogs ago, Bigger, Leaner, Stronger.  I have since been working this program and I am currently in my third week.

So what are my result?

Amazing!  By my standards at least.

I can see actual muscle growth already.  My arms and chest are the most noticeable changes.  I still have a lot of fat, and a lot of weight to lose, but the fact that I can actually feel myself getting stronger helps keep me going.  The muscles have toned so that I can feel them underneath my layer of fat in my stomach.  My legs are feeling great.  My energy is beginning to work its way up, although I have had a hard time with the diet portion of the program.  I still eat too much sugar and my wife and I are a bad influence on each other.  The, "I'm tired, want to order pizza" thing comes up too often.  But, even with that, I'm still getting results and seeing progress!

This is increasing my motivation to reign in the diet and to keep lifting!

The results are everything, because they become your motivation to continue!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Greatest Benefit To Lifting Weights For The Perpetually Overweight

So, for the last two weeks I've been following the weight routine I told you about in my last post.  The number one benefit that I have noticed is that I can already see results.

I'm not talking about lower weight on the scale.  But, I can already see my shape slightly changing.  It's not that I've made a 100% improvement or anything, but it's noticeable.  Which is much more than I can say for what I did with the running stuff.

In addition to the visual, I am getting to the point where I really like going to the gym.  The back area with the free weights was always a quasi-mystical area where the serious people went, now I'm very comfortable back there for the exercises I need to do there.

Overall this has been a great experience and I will continue to work on this and keep filing you all in!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Weightlifting, the key to weight loss?

Lifting weights is essential.  If you are overweight and want to really begin to lose weight, you need to lift weights.  It's not about getting bulked up like a professional weightlifter.  There are more weight loss benefits to lifting weights than running.

Weight lifting helps you build muscle.   This extra muscle uses calories and helps you burn more fat.  This is the way you increase your basal metabolic rate.  Your basal metabolic rate is the amount of calories your body burns just for you to stay alive.  Regardless of whether you sit on the couch, or if you are sleeping, you burn calories.  The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn.

Lifting also gives you a metabolic boost for a longer period.  After you workout, your body will burn an increased number of calories for up to 48 hours afterword.  This will also allow you to lose weight.

A great book to begin with is Bigger, Leaner, Stronger.  This book goes into nutrition and weightlifting.  This will give you everything you need to do to begin lifting weights.  If you prefer the here is the kindle version.  This book is really written for men.  The author does have a version for women called Thinner, Leaner, Stronger (Kindle).

The other place that helps is  This is a great place with lots of free information.  The ONLY downside is that if you are not familiar with working out, the amount information can be a little overwhelming.  This is why I recommend you start with the books above and then incorporate other workouts as you go.

Do yourself a favor and begin a weight routine today!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Arnold Schwarzenegger - 6 rules to success speech - with subtitles [HD]

This is really an amazing speech.  No matter what you thing of Arnold, the rules of success are accurate.