Monday, July 15, 2013

I just learned about Squidoo!

Not sure why I haven't seen more about this, but Squidoo is actually a pretty neat idea!

If you have an area of expertise, or even if you just enjoy a subject, Squidoo can be a great easy way to make some extra cash (small amounts per topic but still money).  Be conscious of what you are writing, they are pretty strict with their Squidon't policies.

Go to Squidoo and see how it works!

On Squidoo you can make individual "Lenses."  Making these lenses is FREE.  Yes, I'll say it again this is FREE FREE FREE.  Did I say it was FREE.

If you click on the link above or below, you'll be able to do set up a free account and begin making your lenses.

Here is a link to the first lens I made:   My First Squidoo Lens

How do you make money?

Two ways, there are advertising fees that you earn as well as modules where you can list items from Amazon and if any of those are purchased, you get a commission.

There are other ways to make money on Squidoo other than Amazon, you just have to pick the module you want and you are good to go!

Go to Squidoo and see how it works!

You will not likely get rich doing this, but it's free to get going and you can make money right away.  

Think about expanding this as a business though.  For a little work on the front end you have an opportunity to make money for a long time down the road.  There is no limit to the number of lenses you can make, as long as you are making original content, the sky is the limit.  So, what does that mean?

If you have 10 lenses making $1 per month.  You make $10 per month.   If you have 500 lenses averaging $1 per month each, you make $500 per month.  It really is that simple, sign up, build a lens that attracts people and complies with the original content rules, and repeat!

It seems very interesting to me, check it out!

Go to Squidoo and see how it works!

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